May 19, 2014 – The LGBT community is pressuring game maker Nintendo to make the game Tomodachi Life with homosexual relationships included in gameplay. Earlier this month the game maker declined to include homosexual relationships in the game and stated they were not trying to make social commentary in their design of games. However they state they will try to be more inclusive in the future.
This current push from Leftists is an attempt at humanist social engineering aimed at the morals on which many Americans are defending at the grass roots. As America edges closer and closer to the socialist mindset of Europe even greater pressure is expected from the hyper-liberal left.
Lomax street interviews on the subject have garnered the following responses:
"If they are gay that's their prerogative, but the gay community should stop forcing it on the rest of the world. And gay gaming is just going too far" said one person asked. Another commented that "the left has gotten so radical that they don't appeal to the mass anymore. They're being too pushy; it's like enough is never enough."