September 23, 2013 – As America has endured a series of shootings perpetrated by untreated, mentally ill individuals, Barak Obama
called for gun control. Using the DC Naval Base memorial as a stumping ground to promote political agenda, he said that Americans
should not give up on the pursuit of gun control measures. However none of the Leftists who promote gun control have issued a proposal
of dealing with the plight of mentally ill individuals who wander the streets aimlessly each day in the
“I stopped
to help a transient one day and found that she had just been release from a mental hospital in
Aaron Alexis, the shooter
at the
Leftist Pierce Morgan, who came to the
On the heels of violent actions by the mentally ill few politicians are calling for a revamping of mental health laws. Not much has been mentioned of extending more aid to treat mentally ill individuals like Alexis but the public is beginning to question the lack of interest. Many are calling for aid for the mentally ill instead of gun-control measures.
No word yet from the State Department if Alexis’ rampage was the result of a YouTube video.